Life Groups
Faith is practiced in community. Through a variety of different interactions, we connect with God, and with one another, and our faith is nurtured and grows.
Bible Study
Bible Study this Summer will also be looking at Luke's Gospel. We meet Monday nights at 7pm on zoom. Each week we will both comment on the past Sunday's sermon and readings and look ahead to the coming Sunday. To join Monday's Bible Study on zoom, contact Pastor Sharon at [email protected] and ask to be added to the zoom mailing list.
Coffee House
At our sister congregation, the Schuyler Lake UMC, on the Fourth Saturday of each month. Coffee House is an open mic for performers of all varieties. We begin at 7pm and conclude at 9. Light refreshments are available. Singers, musicians, dancers, poets, and audience members are all welcome. Schuyler Lake UMC is located on Church Street in Schuyler Lake (next to the former elementary school).
Community Dinners
Will resume in the Fall.
We learn about our gifts for serving God by listening, and by interacting with our brothers and sisters. We offer these opportunities:
Sunday School for kids at Fly Creek UMC, concurrent with the worship hour
Tuesday morning quilt group weekly at the church
Monday morning Bible study weekly, studying verses centering on self-esteem.
Evening book study group meets monthly at Fly Creek
Next meeting: TBD
Next Reading: Eric Metaxes Luther